Campaign Finance Reform (CFR)

Looking Ahead to an Election Year

Learn more about IP9 Campaign Finance Reform. Read up on this proposed ballot measure that may be on the November ballot if these get enough signatures turned in by July.

  • Initiative Petition IP14 Facts – Redistricting efforts in Oregon are halted due to not enough signatures have been gathered by now. More will be done in 2028. Thanks to all those who helped with this effort.
  • Initiative Petition IP9 Facts and forms – from Honest Elections Oregon – this is ongoing and has a chance to be included on the Nov. ballot. There are 100,000 signatures that have been verified. Another 20k are needed, therefore we want 40k more because some signatures cannot be verified.

The League is looking for signature gatherers. Visit to download the signature forms and instruction. Or contact us as we have single signature petitions and 10-signer petitions available.

We have all the documents you need.


Gerrymandering is the practice of setting boundaries of electoral districts to favor specific political interests within legislative bodies, often resulting in districts with convoluted, winding boundaries rather than compact areas.

~According to

Redistricting is the process of redrawing the lines that define political districts.

Redistricting, or AKA Gerrymandering as it has been practiced, is when elected or appointed officials in charge of redistricting reconfigure districts to favor a political party, incumbent, or candidate. Often the purpose of gerrymandering is to also create uncompetitive races or “safe districts” where districts are drawn to give one party or interest a clear advantage and secure incumbency.

There are 3 common types of Gerrymandering:

Partisan: Where parties who are in control of the redrawing the districts, do so in a way that solidifies or even increases the number of seats of their party in the legislature or congress.

Bipartisan: Where typically both parties are equally represented in the decision making process and negotiate or trade in order for each party to have a more safe districts to protect their respective interests or incumbents.

Racial: Refers to a process in which district lines are drawn to prevent racial minorities from electing their preferred candidates.

Why should we care?

Redistricting affects the size of our congressional and legislative districts which affects voting, elections, and representation. Every ten years, our legislative and congressional districts are allowed to be re-drawn usually by the political party in power in the state Capitol. This power should be in the hands of the citizens.

That’s why the Census, which occurs every ten years, is such a big deal. Census data is used to draw the lines of the districts. Redistricting should change districts to more accurately reflect the changes in numbers and interests of constituents. Census numbers also affect funding to the states from education to healthcare and more. The Census 2020 is very important!

The League of Women Voters has been busy working on a solution. Redistricting is a central focus of the LWVUS, the national League. Here’s the League’s position.

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